Thirty minute interactive breakout sessions. This new session type allows the presenters to get information to the audience in a quicker format than a full breakout session.
Forty-five to sixty-minute presentation where all attendees come together to listen to a presenter or presenters discuss hot topics that interest the audience as a whole.
Forty-five to sixty-minute interactive sessions. Breakout sessions provide a rounded perspective on a topic. Sessions include multiple presenters from a single organisation, across multiple organisations or panel sessions specifically where the end users of tests and assessments are involved.
In a fast-paced 60-minute session speakers will present competing sides of a debate on a hot topic in the testing industry. Each debate will include presenters from different companies or organisations bringing unique, and even opposing, perspectives to the conversation.
Computer-based demonstrations or presentations showcasing the latest technologies, products, services and/or solutions within the testing industry. These demonstrations last approximately 10 minutes, and will repeat as delegates attend multiple presentations within a one-hour timeframe. All presentations must be shown via a computer.
High energy and innovative way to present content in a quick and concise format. Twenty slides automatically advance at 15-second intervals for a total presentation time of five minutes in length. Presentation includes additional 5 minutes for Q&A following the presentation.
These are informal, face-to-face conversations with fellow conference goers who share common interests. Pods do not include presentations. There are no projectors or slides. This is all about direct exchange and exploration of ideas.
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