The Hackathon!

We’re introducing something new for this year’s Hackathon! It will be a two-hour Design Thinking workshop where you will spend the first hour learning about the Design Thinking process, and the second hour applying that process to a real world challenge that needs to be addressed in the assessment industry.

The first hour is for anyone who’s interested in learning more about the Design Thinking approach to problem solving and ideation. The second hour is for anyone who wants to practice applying those skills to a real world problem that the assessment industry is facing.

Working with a team and an industry expert during the second hour, you will apply the design thinking process to generate an idea that you think will address the challenge. Your team will then design a quick, inexpensive research study to test the merit of that idea. Your team will present the idea and research study to the other participants and industry experts who will provide feedback. Because you are working on a real problem, this feedback might help you refine this idea in a way that you can apply in your own programs and organizations!

During the Hackathon, you will have an opportunity to:

  • learn a new skill (design thinking) that will change the way you think about problems your organization is facing, allowing you to be more innovative;
  • collaborate with your colleagues;
  • learn from industry experts; and
  • present the idea in a fun environment for feedback from industry leaders.

This event is FREE and for EVERYONE regardless of your experience in the testing industry. Participants will range from newcomers to experts. You will be coached by an expert in the testing community and receive feedback from three top-notch industry leaders from around the world.

If you are interested in participating, please email, and we can add this workshop to your registration for no additional charge!

Register today
Special thanks to our PLATINUM SPONSORS